The Principles Of Effective GMAT Training

An Effective Training Program Consist Of The Following Parts ...

(This discussion assumes that you are familiar with the format and question types as they are described in the GMAT Bulletin.)

  1. Learning The Implications Of The Directions - It amazes me how many people under perform because they don't understand what the directions are saying or the meaning of "best answer" in the context of a specific question type.

  2. Background Skills Development - The basic skills are grade 9-10 math, basic rules of grammar, the ability to analyze arguments, and basic reading skills.

A special note on background math skills:

In my view the GMAT is not a math test. It is a test of multi step problem solving skills in which a certain amount of basic math is the language that is used to test whether you have those skills. This means that (with few exceptions) the GMAT does not test math skills but assumes that you have those skills at your command while you are taking the test! As a result, the quantitative section of the GMAT will feel harder than it would if math were being tested directly.

  1. Multiple Choice Test Skills Development - Multiple choice is the only kind of test in life where the right answer lies before your very eyes. All test takes can improve their scores by learning how to better evaluate answer choices. Many quantitative questions need not be solved. At least two and often three of the five choices can be eliminated. At a minimum test takers must learn to "range answer choices", "backsolve", and "guess smarter." In addition you must be able to recognize answers no matter what the format. For example, you could be working in fractions and have the answer choices appear as decimals or percents. Multiple choice is your friend. Learn to take better advantage of it!

  2. Dealing With Emotional Fallout - The GMAT is designed to make everyone uncomfortable. In my experience test takers overestimate the GMAT score that they need. Basically, you need a GMAT score that is high enough so that you don't get rejected because of your score. Everybody is in the same boat. Relax. Positive thinking is very very important!

  3. Practicing Specific Approaches - Practice without approach is hazardous! In other words, the simple act of doing more questions is not likely to significantly raise your score. You need to learn a specific approach for each question type and then practice doing the questions using that approach.

  4. Practice Testing Under The Time Constraints - This is important. If you had double the time you could probably get double the answers. If you practice with no attention to the time constraints you will be like a "lamb going to the slaughter." You should also take at least one practice test on computer using the GMAT PowerPrep CAT software (described above).

  5. Understand The 11 Rules Of Engagement For The GMAT CAT


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