English Grammar Review and Preparation

Grammar is important in business!

Grammar is important for success in life!

Grammar provides the structure for thought!

Grammar is used by people to judge you!

Grammar is used by people in deciding whether to hire you!

Grammar is used by people in deciding whether to promote you!

Grammar is also one of the verbal question types on the GMAT!

Improving your knowledge of English grammar will provide you with benefits that extend beyond your G(mat) Day! So, why not embrace the opportunity to learn more!


Participants in the Richardson GMAT Preparation Course are invited to an optional English Grammar Workshop. This workshop is a supplement to our course and is designed to improve you in your job and career. The goal of the workshop is twofold:

  1. To provide you with some skills to improve your GMAT score (but grammar is taught in our courses).
  2. To provide you with some skills to improve your life.

The Grammar workshop is a supplement to our GMAT course. Grammar is covered in our GMAT preparation courses. The Grammar Workshop can be taken before the course to improve your skills or after the course to reinforce your skills.

The Grammar Workshop is run throughout the year. Upcoming dates are as follows:


  1. Sunday March 7, 2010 – 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  2. Sunday May 9, 2010 – 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
  3. August, 2010 - TBA

Where: University of Toronto – St. Michael’s College – Carr Hall – 100 St. Joseph St. – room TBA

Who: Richardson Prep Centre

Fee: The workshop is free to Richardson LSAT, GMAT, GRE or MCAT students (membership has its privileges). It is $195 for others.

Registration is required! Please email: gmatprepregister@gmail.com

To get started reviewing English Grammar now visit:


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LSAT-GMAT-GRE-MCAT Preparation Courses, Toronto, Canada • 416-410-PREP™ • www.prep.com